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If curiosity could embody a human shape, that would be our talented professional Yoana. Let’s continue with the next diamond in the talaint by Human Recruiters crown of professionals.

Yo is recruited to be a Headhunter by a dear friend and as of today, four years of recruiting success later, she has developed an immersed set of professional skills, outlining clear communication ability, unquestionable creativity, a sincere desire to support, and a vital curiosity and understanding of the market trends. An Expert when it comes to Executive Search, finance & administration, marketing & business development, and local & global markets.

Alongside her constant hunger for knowledge and news, she is also a true cultural foodie. If you want to make Yo happy, take her to a concert, engage her in a funny conversation, and make her smile (because she has one of the warmest smiles you could ever see, af), and trust us – she’s one of the kindest, pure and polite souls you could ever meet.

Now, let’s jump together into the interview she gave for us:

Starting with the easiest question, you’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?

If I dive into behavioral psychology, my ‘by-the-book’ answer would be: ‘I wouldn’t accept your elephant. The question says I can’t give it away or sell it. By not accepting it in the first place, I don’t have to give it away or sell it. It was never mine.’

But my nature craves to break out of the box — to go beyond the book. Books are crucial for understanding the idea, but true talent requires authenticity, creativity, and bravery.

So, I have been given an elephant .. I’ll take the time to observe and understand this elephant. I’ll reach out to its place of origin and strive to provide the comfiest environment possible, ensuring my elephant feels secure.

Elephants are known for their social intelligence, so I’ll get deep into understanding their unique nature, needs, and strengths and will try to find the best possibility for them to glow: it could be either a kid’s workshop, an art-related community or just the base for building a safe environment for elephants in Bulgaria, something like the elephant café in Zambia, maybe?

My elephant could also serve as a great reason for a big trip through Africa and Asia. If they were a traveler like me, we could conquer the world. Where do I sign up for an elephant?

(I am the short storyteller on the team btw.)

What is the biggest assumption people tend to make about you — be it wrong or right?

The first F2F impression is that I look serious and strict – I am easy-going and funny.

*Maybe my glasses are misleading.

What do you love most about working in agency recruitment?

The broad expertise we gain collaborating with different professional cultures, structures, and sectors, and the richness of diversity.

What do you like least about working in agency recruitment?

The recruitment industry assumptions of the most professionals on the first approach you deal with. That’s why we strive to make a difference by providing the best service.

What do you most value in team members?

The trust we have in each other. Also, each of us has a different passion – even professionally related – contributing to our combined expertise as a whole. And office talks: vivid & interesting.

What is the most overused or overrated thing that recruiting pros believe about themselves?

That they can ‘do the job’ fast and easily, and therefore be successful. No. If it were that simple, companies would not have to use services like ours.

What is your current state of mind as it relates to the current state of recruiting?

My mind is curious about what’s next.

If you could have dinner with any two famous people, dead or alive, who would you choose?

Christopher Columbus firstly. I will ask about the person he remembers most clearly when he got to the ‘new land’ and invite them as well. Exploring their separate stories and perspectives, and understanding the consequences after their meeting, would be interesting with a glass of Sauvignon Blanc.

The most important question: What’s your go-to karaoke song?

Always depends on the shots of tequila I’ve had, but most likely something from the ‘00s.

Finish this sentence: Yoana is…

Yoana is always striving to make the best out of every situation, even when it’s challenging to maintain a positive outlook.

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